Stuart, seeking to rendezvous with Ewell's corps, left Union Mills Maryland, headed to York Pennsylvania hoping to find Early's division. Judson Kilpatrick's cavalry division was also moving that way from Littlestown. Kilpatrick got to Hanover ahead of Stuart, even while his rearguard skirmished with Fitz Lee's brigade near Littlestown. Stuart's main column, headed by Chambliss' brigade engaged Farnsworth at Hanover.

The Battle of Hanover, June 30th, 1863.

Like the other Last Full Measure titles, Hanover implements regiments, ranged artillery fire, command, reorganization and recovery, and cavalry charges, on a 24" x 27" map at a 250 yards per hex scale. 240 counters including markers, and informational counters, a player-aid card, Order of Arrival card, Eliminated units card, and a game booklett that includes special rules for this battle, initial strength chart, history, set-up and scenarios.

Wagon unit:
Map: reduced view
Hanover counters:reduced view
Play-testing in ZunTzu:

Board Game Geek Entry

Contact: Uhlan(a)

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updated: February 6 2022