The Battle of Second Manassas is getting a make over.
It will still have a 70" x 34" map at a 250 yards per 3/4" hex covering from Centreville to Haymarket, The left 3/4s of which is used by Second Manassas, the right 3/4s by First Manassas.
Part of this "make-over" involves breaking artillery battalions into individual batteries. There will be 624 counters, new Player-Aid card, Order of Arrival card, Turn Record Card,
and an updated and corrected scenario book. A Vassal module is also nearing completion.
The game is still offered as "Print and Play" free of charge. Everything needed will be downloadable from this page; though you will need to be able to view PDF's, and print in color, or have it printed.
The map is available in a PDF so it may be printed in "Poster" mode, or "tiled" on an ordinary printer, or as a full-size PNG is provided for plotters that can handle at least a 35 inch print area.
Scenario Book and unit strength table specific to Second Manassas. (updated 1/19/2023)
Order of Arrival card
Complete order of arrival for both US and CS units using the western map extension. (updated 10/10/2019)
Full map in a PDF
70" x 34" map at 250 yards per hex in four sections in one PDF. (updated 1/17/2023)
Full map in a PNG 70" x 34" map at 250 yards per 3/4" hex. (updated 3/1/2023 - fixed missing hex column ion map 4)
Counters (updated: 6/10/2023 Corrected Union 1WV CEL counter)